Casino Dan

Red Deer


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Charity Alerts Blog


Dan McKenna
Dan McKenna
Casino Gaming Consultant

cardsfor Alberta Volunteers
Cash Cage/
Count Room Advisor

phone 403-302-3183 


Mission Statement
Hi to all the Charities who have hired Dan McKenna to be their Advisor. With a broken heart, I have to let you know I can no longer do the job I have loved for 42 years. I must say what a pleasure this has been for me getting to know whole communities and the folks that live there. The last 30 years I have lived in Red Deer and met all you wonderful people. I am sending this letter to inform you folks how sad I am that I will no longer be able to assist you folks.
Please do not believe lies and dismiss other Advisors from confusing you.

I only hope that in memory of Casinodan, you will continue to use my wife and partner in life Bev Kokotailo who is also partner in dbmckenna Consulting Ltd., my sister Bev Bennett and my daughter Angela McKenna. 





I Wish You the Best
in Your Fundraising Efforts!